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Sanctity of Human Life Month

National Sanctity of Human Life Day is an annual observance on January 22nd. On this day, we raise our voices against abortion. U.S. presidents have been celebrating this day regularly since 1973 against the ruling of Roe vs. Wade, which legalized the right to abortion. Republican leaders, including President Reagan, have strongly opposed the law and have stressed the need to protect the right to life for every born and unborn individual. Because of this, January 22nd has been dedicated to celebrating National Sanctity of Human Life Day.


In the historic case of Roe vs. Wade (1973), on January 22nd, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it is the woman’s right to determine whether she wants an abortion. Since this outcome, many pro-life movements came into existence that openly opposed the ruling. The movement became stronger when U.S. President Ronald Reagan proclaimed January 22 as National Sanctity of Human Life Day.


Since Reagan’s proclamation, the following presidents have maintained the importance of this day by recognizing it each year. As a result of its importance, the Lutheran Church has even named it a holy day. Many republicans have continuously supported this movement against the right to abortion, until the democratic presidency of Bill Clinton. The day was not recognized again until George W. Bush restored it in 2001.


Throughout history, this day has been celebrated annually by the the pro-life community, as well as many republicans, despite the pushback from the democratic party. The purpose of this day does not exist solely for the support it receives from political parties. The key value comes from the movement itself, which emphasizes the need to protect and save lives, born or unborn.


  • 1973

    • Roe vs. Wade

The legal case is won by Jane Roe, a pregnant woman, who went to the U.S. Supreme Court for her right to get an abortion, which was illegal in her resident State of Texas.

  • 1984

    • Reagan’s Presidential Proclamation

Opposing the Supreme Court’s ruling on its 11th anniversary, Reagan proclaims January 22nd as a day to celebrate the Sanctity of Human Life.

  • 1992

    • Planned Parenthood v. Casey

The Supreme Court upholds the constitutional right for the woman but adds strict conditions for abortion to take place.

  • 2001

    • George W. Bush Reinstates This Day

After eight years of Clinton’s tenure during which Sanctity of Human Life Day was not observed, President Bush reinstates this day’s observance.

  • 2022

    • Roe vs. Wade is overturned! This now allows individual states the freedom to determine the implement abortion regulations, laws, and rights. 




  1. Spread the word

    • Come by the office and pick up some of our literature and help educate your friends on the value of life and how important it is to protect a life that cannot defend itself against abortion. Show them alternatives to abortion and that they are able to come to LivingWell for help.

  2. Share with your Church

    • Speak to your pastor about choosing one of the Sundays from January to recognize and celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Month and to share with the church.

  3. Get involved with a pregnancy resource center

    • Reach out to us and ask how you can get involved with our center. Volunteer, participate, give, and/or pray. 



  1. There are 19.9 abortions per 100 births (2022)

    • According to Statista, the abortion rate is 19.9 per 100 births in the U.S.

  2. The State of New Mexico has the highest abortion rate

    • A rate of 28.8 in women aged 15 – 44 have had abortions per 1,000 women.

  3. 69% say abortions should be legal

    • In a survey, 69% of the participants said abortion should be legal all or most of the time, and 31% said it should be illegal all or most of the time.

  4. Some religions and government stand together

    • The church and the government have their disagreements, but the Sanctity of Human Life is one issue that can bridge that gap among certain parties. 

  5. First National Sanctity of Human Life Day

    • The first observance of this day came 11 years after the ruling of the Supreme Court in the case Roe vs. Wade.



  • Every life matters.

  • 69% of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal all or most of the time. The people call for a more detailed and thorough ruling on the case of abortion, as they believe every life matters, and it should not be one person’s decision to take away or give life.

  • It creates awareness.

  • Abortion comes in as a last resort for women who cannot support or care for a child. Awareness should be spread on this issue so that support can be provided for both the unborn child and the pregnant mother.

  • We can achieve common ground.

  • Until today, there have been either pro-abortion movements or anti-abortion movements. Each side has presented its problems and reasoning, but no effort has been made to achieve a common ground where the health of a mother and the child is considered. The movement has become more political rather than personal. Observing this day can bring together people from both factions to formulate legislation that protects life and ensures its sanctity.


LivingWell Pregnancy Center provides free pregnancy services to the community, for women at the crossroads of an unplanned pregnancy. We are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit under EIN 33-0089232. Your gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

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Thusday: 9am - 4pm

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